Rosacea is a common, chronic skin disorder that is often mistaken for acne. Symptoms of rosacea include red patches, lines, small pimples on the face and burning and irritation in the eyes and eyelids. The common area for these symptoms are cheeks, nose, chin and centre of the forehead.
If treated early after diagnosing, rosacea flare ups can be minor and maintained with proper skin care and lifestyle changes. If it is left untreated, rosacea can progress and eventually cause larger intense bumps on the nose, known as rhinophyma.
Individuals most likely to develop rosacea are fair skinned women between the ages of 30 and 60. Rosacea is more common with women than with men, however, men typically have more severe symptoms.
The cause of rosacea is unknown. There is a theory that it is a result of highly reactive blood vessels combined with inflammation and infection. Another theory is that rosacea is an overactive immune response. Since rosacea causes increased warmth in the skin, bacteria may be encouraged to grow, resulting in pimples and papules. These are just theories, the actual cause is still a mystery.
Individuals usually experience rough, dry and flaking skin, redness or flushed look to the skin, broken vessels and enlarged pores and bumps on the affected areas.
The skin usually feels sensitive, tender and has an itchy, burning or stinging sensation.
Common Triggers
Laser treatments and a quality home care regime are helpful for managing rosacea prone skin.
Address: 1635 Hyde Park Rd Suite #105, London, ON N6H 5L7
Phone: 519-871-3645
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