Knowing the difference between an irritation and an allergic reaction is important!
What is an allergic reaction? It is the immune system responding to a normally harmless substance. Reactions can range from mild to severe. Cyanoacrylate is a main ingredient found in lash glues, it is often the reason why an allergic reaction happens.
The body replaces its cells every 7-10 years changing the way body reacts to certain substances. This means we can grow out of allergies as well as develop new ones. There is no magic cure for an allergic reaction, the body must decide to no longer identify the substance as harmful.
Let’s identify some common lash extension irritations:
Watering Eyes
One or both eyes may water, which is followed by a stinging sensation during the application process. Watering eyes is an irritation from the glue fumes due to the client trying to open their eyes during application. Some times the eyes will flutter open when clients talk or if they are not used to having people near their eyes and face. In these situations we recommend not talking and focusing on deep breathing and getting relaxed. Excessive eye watering during the appointment may result in red or dry eyes within 24 hours post application.
Red or Dry Eyes
One or both eyes may be bloodshot, with the feeling of sand scratching the eye. These symptoms clear up 12-24 hours post application.
Red or dry eyes are usually a result of the eyes being exposed to the glue fumes. Exposure to fumes can happen when the eyes flutter during application. It is important to keep the eyes relaxed and closed during the application process.
Corneal Abrasion
Corneal abrasion, also known as an ‘eye bruise’ is a rare issue that is generally harmless but can be visually alarming. The bottom of the eye or some times the whole eye will have visible ruptured blood vessels, it is not painful but can cause dryness to the eye, light sensitivity or a scratchy feeling. This is only an irritation and clients should see relief within 72 hours. Corneal abrasion happens when the eye pad moves upwards into the eye due to watering eyes or from improper placement of the eye pad. Clients should inform their lash technician if the eye pad feels like it is touching their eye after applying them or any time during their appointment.
Now let’s identify what a rare allergic reaction looks like:
Swollen Eyes
One or both the eyes may become puffy after the application process. It may start as mild puffiness but if the client continues to expose themselves it can become more severe with extreme puffiness.
Itchy Eyes
Swollen eyes happen due to the client experiencing itchy eyes. Rubbing itchy eyes causes temporary relief but actually in the end causes more swelling. The rubbing sends signals to the brain to release serotonin to relieve the itch, this activates neurons in our spinal cord which intensifies the itching sensation. The intensified itching causes more rubbing creating more swelling, resulting in a vicious cycle.
Allergic reactions should subside within 72 hours without medical attention. Ideal to start an anti histamine as recommended by your pharmacist. If an allergic reaction or irritation continues or worsens then medical attention should be sought out.
Address: 1635 Hyde Park Rd Suite #105, London, ON N6H 5L7
Phone: 519-871-3645
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